The method of beautifying by rhinoplasty is becoming more and more popular. With a high, slim nose shape, it will create a harmonious beauty for women’s faces. However, after surgery, many women worry that the nose lift will be low . If you are wondering about this, follow the article below!
What is a gathered nose job?
In the simplest terms, a nose job is the recovery process of the nose after surgery. When performing nose correction techniques, this part is often swollen and slightly bruised. This condition will subside within 1-2 weeks. After that, the nose gradually recovers and is brought back to a natural shape.
Learn about non-surgical nose lift using the method: Stem cell nose lift
Answer: Is the nose bridge low?
During the rhinoplasty process, the doctor will use a number of tools and materials to shape the nose beautifully. Depending on your preference, you can choose a straight nose or an S-shaped nose. Due to external impact, the nose will swell, making you feel like your nose is high.
So, does a nose lift lower the nose , does it affect the shape of the nose? In fact, a nose lift is the process of the nose recovering and getting into shape. Therefore, women do not have to worry about the nose lift making the nose lower. After about 2-3 months, the nose will fully recover. At that time, the nose becomes soft, natural, high, slim and not swollen or painful.
In fact, many women confuse the process of gathering after rhinoplasty with sagging. The sagging condition is very likely to occur if women do beauty treatments at unreliable units. The nose will sink lower and become stiff and unnatural. The nose can even become swollen or infected due to the use of poor quality cartilage.
Factors affecting the time of rhinoplasty
The time it takes for a nose lift to heal quickly or slowly depends on many factors. For example: your constitution, physical condition, nose lift method, post-operative care regimen, and the doctor’s skills.
Prestigious nose lift address
Rhinoplasty is a technique that directly corrects details on the face. Therefore, you need to be wise in choosing a reputable cosmetic facility. Here, a team of experienced doctors will directly examine and perform surgery. This helps to limit dangerous situations during the rhinoplasty process. The time it takes to complete the rhinoplasty is also faster when performed by a highly skilled doctor.
Each person’s constitution
For customers with sensitive muscles, caution is needed after surgery. If you eat or drink improperly, keloid scars may form on the nose. Or for those with thick nasal skin, it may take up to 6 months for the nose to become naturally beautiful.
Rhinoplasty technique
Nowadays, rhinoplasty techniques are increasingly diverse and advanced. Based on the characteristics of the nose shape of women, the doctor will advise on choosing the appropriate correction method. Some commonly used surgical methods are: Structural rhinoplasty, rib cartilage rhinoplasty, cartilage-covered rhinoplasty.
For structural rhinoplasty, the entire nose is affected comprehensively. Women will be corrected from the bridge of the nose, the nasal septum to the bridge of the nose. Therefore, the time for the nose to be completely assembled takes about 3 months.
If you want to have a soft, natural and long-lasting nose, you should use rib cartilage rhinoplasty. This method uses your own cartilage to correct the defects on your nose. Therefore, you need to wait about 2-3 months for the cartilage to adapt and the nose to be completely assembled.
In addition, cartilage-covered rhinoplasty is also chosen by many women. The advantage of this method is that the recovery time is quick while still ensuring aesthetics. After surgery, the time for the nose to gather and return to its complete structure only takes about 1-2 months.
Post-rhinoplasty care regimen
After rhinoplasty, you need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions on care. For wounds in the nose area, you should not touch them yourself but need to keep them clean. At the same time, increase nutrients to help supplement blood, iron, vitamins and necessary minerals. Thus, your nose will quickly return to its standard and naturally beautiful form.
The question ” Is a nose lift lower ?” has been answered in detail by experts. Hopefully, you will have more useful information to prepare for your beauty journey. Please contact PKCK PTTM Dr. Long immediately at Hotline: 0908.493.008 if you need more detailed advice on nose lift packages.
See more articles: Big nose tip after rhinoplasty: Causes and best treatment