Many customers after chin augmentation have the same question: ” How long does it take for chin augmentation to stop swelling , and how to take care of it? ” So please refer to the following article to answer questions about the above issue.
How long does it take for chin augmentation to heal?
How long does it take for chin augmentation to heal?
Women always want to have a slim V-Line chin . Therefore, many people have sought chin augmentation to have a beautiful chin. Chin augmentation surgery is considered a simple method. The doctor will make an incision of about 1-2cm at the following locations: 1 is in the oral mucosa or 2 is under the chin, then proceed to separate and create a cavity and insert silicone cartilage material inside to fix and improve the following conditions: short chin, crooked chin, recessed chin, etc.
After chin augmentation, we need a short time to rest and recover from the wound. Usually, in the first few days, there will be a little swelling and bruising. After 3-5 days, the wound will gradually stabilize, the swelling and bruising will decrease significantly and gradually disappear. On the 7th day, you will have the stitches removed according to the doctor’s appointment.
Vline chin augmentation technique at Dr. Long’s cosmetic surgery
However, when customers choose chin augmentation at Dr. Long Cosmetic Surgery, with the application of modern technology in the surgical process, swelling and bruising after the procedure will be minimized, the wound will heal quickly without making you feel uncomfortable or causing any complications.
Post-chin augmentation care regimen at Dr. Long Cosmetic Surgery
Wanting a slim and beautiful chin after surgery also depends partly on the care regimen. To get the desired results, women need to pay attention to the following when performing chin augmentation:
– Clean the wound properly
Wash the surgical wound with saline every day. Avoid getting the wound wet to reduce the risk of infection. Cover the wound carefully to avoid dust and sunlight.
– Avoid strong impact on the chin area
Because this is a new wound, the material inside is not yet tightly connected to the body in the beginning, so we should not impact it too hard, do not laugh or talk too loudly, etc. to avoid bleeding, distortion, or misalignment of the chin, which will take a long time to recover.
– Combined hot and cold compresses
In the first days after chin augmentation surgery, if there is slight swelling, use ice to reduce the swelling, or if the wound is bruised, you can use hot water at a moderate temperature around the wound area for more effective results.
– Take medication as prescribed and return for follow-up visits as scheduled by your doctor.
Take medication to reduce pain after surgery, and return for follow-up appointments to have your doctor check on your wound’s healing process.
– Ensure a nutritious diet
We should rest and have a scientific diet after surgery for the wound to recover quickly.
Supplementing enough nutrients helps the body stay healthy and full of energy. You should provide enough vitamins found in vegetables, fruits and supplement protein from other foods. In addition, you should not use stimulants such as beer, alcohol, carbonated drinks, etc.
Through the useful sharing from the above article, we hope that customers can better understand the chin augmentation method as well as know how to take care of the wound after chin augmentation surgery to quickly recover and get the desired satisfactory results. If you have any questions about the center’s services, please contact us directly via Hotline 0908.493.008