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Uniform nose – The hottest nose lift trend today

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Uniform nose lift is a rhinoplasty method that many customers love and choose to perform at Dr. Long cosmetic surgery. So,What is Uniform rhinoplasty?, how this method benefits users. If you want to know all the information about Uniform rhinoplasty, let’s learn through the following article.

Concept of Uniform rhinoplasty?

Uniform nose lift is a rhinoplasty method“MONOPOLY” belong toPKCK Cosmetic Surgery Dr. Long. This solution received many compliments from countless customers. With this method, the doctor will use American Allied cartilage certified as safe by the US FDA, combined with ear cartilage to design a suitable nose bridge.

In particular, ear cartilage is taken from the auricle and is soft and moderately thin. This type of cartilage is very suitable for grafting onto the tip of the nose to help protect the nose and make the nose more natural.

Allied cartilage is a common type of cartilage with soft and flexible properties. The biggest advantage of this type of cartilage is the ability to flexibly bend and design the nose shape according to the style requested by the customer. Even though it has been pre-molded into a block, when used to perform nose reshaping surgery for customers, doctors can still cut it so that it is symmetrical and in harmony with each person’s face.

Uniform rhinoplasty compared to other rhinoplasty surgery methods

Uniform rhinoplasty is considered a modern solution that inherits and promotes conventional rhinoplasty surgery methods. From there, it is completely renewed to create an exclusive Uniform rhinoplasty product.

Uniform nose lift Applying outstanding technology to give customers a more satisfactory nose shape than expected. This method quickly became a rhinoplasty method loved and trusted by the majority of customers. Uniform is also a nose lift solution that experts consider to be the safest and most effective method today because of the outstanding advantages it brings:

  • Create a tall, natural nose shape, in harmony with the face
  • Bringing each unique nose shape to each customer
  • Minimize the condition of the tip of the nose being red and showing the bridge of the nose
  • Highly compatible with the user’s body
  • Long-term sustainable effectiveness over time
  • Using premium Allied cartilage from the US

Opposite toUniform nose lift, methodartificial nose surgery Use only silicone cartilage. This is a type of cartilage formed based on the solid structure of the nose, so it is very similar to the shape of the regular nose we often see.

The advantage of this type of cartilage is the quick implementation time, easily creating nose shapes for all customer faces. However, because its ingredients, in addition to containing silicone, are also combined with oxygen and carbon, many customers after a period of time after the procedure, the silicone cartilage will be eliminated, causing the bridge of the nose to become crooked and misaligned. This cartilage is less compatible with the body so it easily causes local reactions.

Through the process of research, experts, after understanding this drawback, improved and developed silicon cartilage into today’s Allied cartilage. In addition to the same ingredients as regular silicone cartilage, it is supplemented with organic radicals such as ethyl, phenyl, methyl… creating a more superior and perfect product.

In other words, the artificial cartilage rhinoplasty surgery method, although it has flexible characteristics, is easy to reshape in a variety of sizes, and is highly durable, but it only has the effect of shaping and enhancing the bridge of the nose, it cannot lengthen the tip of the nose. Besides, in cases where the nose skin is thin, after a period of time the artificial cartilage falls down, causing the tip of the nose to become red, exposed, etc.

When talking about autologous cartilage, this type of cartilage is taken from the body of the person performing rhinoplasty, the compatibility is complete, there is no allergy or rejection. But you should not abuse 100% autologous cartilage to perform rhinoplasty surgery.

This is also the reason why the Uniform rhinoplasty method was born, which is a perfect combination of two methods of artificial rhinoplasty and autologous rhinoplasty. Accordingly, artificial cartilage is inserted to shape and enhance the bridge of the nose, then ear cartilage is used to protect and cover the tip of the nose.

Thus, customers will not need to be confused between the two options of artificial nose lift or autologous nose lift and still own their own golden ratio nose shape, extremely suitable for us Asians.

Uniform rhinoplasty procedure

The following is the entire procedure for performing the Uniform rhinoplasty method:

Step 1: The doctor will examine and advise on the appropriate nose shape for each customer.

Step 2: Conduct a health check.

Step 3: Start measuring the proportions of the nose, sketching the shape of the nose on the face so that it is symmetrical and harmonious.

Step 4: Clean the nose area and the autologous cartilage area.

Step 5: The doctor begins performing surgery

Step 6: At the end of surgery, the doctor fixes the nose shape. Instruct customers on necessary notes before leaving

Who should perform Uniform rhinoplasty?

Uniform nose lift is a solution that can be applied to most nose shapes:

  • The nose is low, flat, short
  • Upturned nose
  • Nose injury or accident
  • The nose is damaged or damaged due to previous surgeries
  • Especially: suitable for customers who want to have a nose lift to change their destiny and feng shui.

Why should you choose Uniform rhinoplasty at Dr. Long’s PKCK PTTM?

Dr. Long’s cosmetic surgery clinic is currently a cosmetic facility in the top of safe and reputable beauty addresses in Ho Chi Minh City. Recognized by the Department of Health, here we always bring the best to all customers. By:

  • A team of highly skilled doctors with many years of experience in the industry. Headed by Doctor Vuong Khanh Long.
  • Full facilities with modern, state-of-the-art equipment support the surgical process to go smoothly and ensure safety.
  • Using high quality Allied cartilage material certified by the US FDA
  • Always update today’s latest beauty methods quickly

The above factors help Dr. Long Plastic Surgery Clinic become a beauty address that most customers trust and are completely satisfied when performing here. If customers are still wondering which rhinoplasty method to choose, please refer to Uniform Rhinoplasty by Dr. Long. Below are pictures of customers who have applied the Uniform nose lift method here:

To be more certain and safer, customers can come directly to Dr. Long cosmetic surgery at 518 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City to receive direct or contact advice. Contact us via Hotline 0908493008.

Cosmetic Surgery Dr. Long

  • Address: 518 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Hotline: 0908 493 008 – 0903 725 525
  • Website: http://bacsilong.com
  • Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TMV.BS.LONG
  • Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/TMVBsLong

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In order to further improve customer experience, in the near future, Dr. Long will officially introduce ASIA SAIGON International Dental and Aesthetic Hospital. Located at 314-316-318 Le Hong Phong Street, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, the hospital is expected to open in mid-2024, providing a new space with luxurious and spacious infrastructure. , promises to be the ideal destination for those who are looking for perfection and optimal beauty care.