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Does fixing an old nose leave a scar?

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Rhinoplasty is a way to fix an old nose bridge that has errors in a previous nose job. So the main concern for women is whether there will be a scar after rhinoplasty?


Does fixing an old nose leave a scar?

Does nose job leave scars ?

When your nose has the following condition, you need  rhinoplasty surgery :

+ Deformed nose, red shiny tip, deviated bridge compared to face, infected nose area after rhinoplasty.

+ People who want to have their nose bridge corrected because their nose after surgery does not suit their face, to make their nose higher and more elegant.

+ Those who want  to fix their old nose  to match feng shui and physiognomy.

The biggest reason why many people have to have  their noses fixed  may be because the cosmetic surgeon applied an inappropriate method, placing the filler material too high, making the skin of the nose inelastic, leading to a series of complications such as capsular contracture, red skin, exposed waves, perforated skin, upturned nose tip, etc. In addition, it may also be because the customer after rhinoplasty has a poor post-operative care regimen such as: strong impact, infection of the surgical area, eating foods that cause swelling and pus in the wound, etc.


Does fixing an old nose leave a scar?

Surgery  to correct the old nose bridge is considered relatively gentle and less painful. The issue of whether the old nose bridge correction will leave scars or not depends on the choice of a reputable cosmetic hospital and the skill of the doctor to fix the damaged nose bridge and shape the new nose bridge. So that you have a high nose shape and no visible scars after the old nose bridge correction.

You need to note that the old nose bridge correction surgery should only be performed at least 6 months after a nose job. And the most complete answer lies in your initiative to come to us – BS LONG Plastic Surgery Clinic at 518 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10 to be examined, consulted and given the most suitable nose bridge correction method for you by Dr. Vuong Khanh Long – Golden Hand in Cosmetic Surgery 2006, 2013. You will be supported and consulted for free on services such as: cartilage-covered nose lift, eyelid surgery, tummy tuck, sline nose lift, eyebrow embroidery…


Address: 518 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10, HCMC

Hotline: 0908 493 008       

Website: http://bacsilong.com

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In order to further improve customer experience, in the near future, Dr. Long will officially introduce ASIA SAIGON International Dental and Aesthetic Hospital. Located at 314-316-318 Le Hong Phong Street, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, the hospital is expected to open in mid-2024, providing a new space with luxurious and spacious infrastructure. , promises to be the ideal destination for those who are looking for perfection and optimal beauty care.